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US Election News

United State Political News, US latest political News Updates, US Election Candidate list, US Election Presidential Candidate list, US Presidential Election 2016 Schedule, US Election Opinion poll, List of US PM President and Senators list

Image result for new arrow gifUS Election Live: US Presidential Election Results 2016 By State By Party County By district

Image result for new arrow gifLive Polls: US presidential Election Result 2016 Polling Votes Winner Candidates Opinion Exit Poll

Image result for new arrow gifUS 2016 Senate Election Results 

Image result for new arrow gifUS 2016 House of Representative Election Results

US Presidential Election Schedule

September September 26 – First general presidential election debate held at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio

October Oct 4 – 1st and only general vice presidential election debate held at Longwood University in Farmville, VirginiaOctober 9 – Second general presidential election debate held at Washington University in St. Louis in St. Louis, Missouri


October 19 – 3rd general presidential election debate at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas in Las Vegas, Nevada

November -  November 8 – Election Day

US Presidential Election Opinion Poll NationWide.

Find Detailed Polls here .

National Trump vs Clinton Last Updated: 14 sep 2016
Poll Date Clinton (D) Trump (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/26 – 9/13 46.1 43.8 Clinton +2.3
Quinnipiac 9/8 – 9/13 48 43 Clinton +5
Economist/YouGov 9/10 – 9/13 46 44 Clinton +2
Reuters/Ipsos 9/8 – 9/12 40 39 Clinton +1
LA Times/USC Tracking 9/7 – 9/13 42 47 Trump +5
NBC News/SM 9/5 – 9/11 48 44 Clinton +4
ABC News/Wash Post 9/5 – 9/8 51 43 Clinton +8
CNN/ORC 9/1 – 9/4 48 49 Trump +1
IBD/TIPP 8/26 – 9/1 44 43 Clinton +1
FOX News 8/28 – 8/30 48 42 Clinton +6

US Presidential Election Opinion Poll StateWide, by State - Find Statewide Opinion Polls here.

Statewide US opinion poll summary
Wednesday, September 14 
2-WAY Race Poll Results Spread
Florida: Trump vs. Clinton CNN/ORC Trump 50, Clinton 46 Trump +4
Ohio: Trump vs. Clinton CNN/ORC Trump 50, Clinton 46 Trump +4
Ohio: Trump vs. Clinton Bloomberg Trump 48, Clinton 43 Trump +5

US Presidential Election Opinion Poll by State

Alabama Illinois Missouri Oregon
Alaska Indiana Montana Pennsylvania
Arizona Iowa Nebraska Rhode Island
Arkansas Kansas Nevada South Carolina
California Kentucky New Hampshire South Dakota
Colorado Louisiana New Jersey Tennessee
Connecticut Maine New Mexico Texas
Delaware Maryland New York Utah
Florida Massachusetts North Carolina Vermont
Georgia Michigan North Dakota Virginia
Hawaii Minnesota Ohio Washington
Idaho Mississippi Oklahoma West Virginia


US Presidential Primary Election Results 2016, Past Election Results 2016 Details Here 

The Primaries for all the states have already been completed for US Elections 2016 and the presidential Nominee for Democratics is Hillary Clinton and that for Republicans is Donald trump.

US Presidential Election Result 2016, US Past Election Result Analysis 
 Alabama  Illinois  Montana   Rhode Island 
 Alaska   Indiana  Nebraska  South Carolina 
 Arizona  Iowa   Nevada   South Dakota 
 Arkansas  Kansas  New Hampshire   Tennessee
 California  Kentucky  New Jersey  Texas
 Colorado   Louisiana  New Mexico   Utah
 Connecticut   Maine   New York  Vermont 
 Delaware   Maryland  North Carolina  Virginia
 District of Columbia   Massachetts  North Dakota   Washington
 Florida  Michigan  Ohio  West Virginia
 Georgia  Minnesota   Oklahoma  Wisconsin
 Hawaii   Mississippi  Oregon  Wyoming 
 Idaho  Missouri  Pennsylvania   

Battleground State US opinion poll summary below

Battleground State Clinton Trump Spread
Virginia 45.7 42 Clinton +3.7
Georgia 42.8 44.8 Trump +2.0
Michigan 45.3 39.7 Clinton +5.6
Wisconsin 45 39.7 Clinton +5.3
Missouri 40.7 43.7 Trump +3.0
Colorado 45 35.3 Clinton +9.7
Arizona 40 41.6 Trump +1.6
Florida 44.4 45.1 Trump +0.7
New Hampshire 43 38 Clinton +5.0
Ohio 44.6 45.2 Trump +0.6
Pennsylvania 46.8 40.6 Clinton +6.2
Iowa 41.5 42.3 Trump +0.8
Nevada 43 42.2 Clinton +0.8
North Carolina 44.3 43.5 Clinton +0.8

Hillary Clinton Campaign Schedule/Dates 2016 Click here to find more.

Donald trump Campaign Schedule/Dates 2016 Click here to find more.

US Presidential Election Results by County, by State, by District Details Here This is a complete list of the 3,142 counties and county equivalents of the United States of America as of July 1, 2013. For more detailed information, see the individual state lists shown below.

US Counties List
 Alabama Illinois Missouri Pennsylvania
Alaska  Indiana Nebraska Rhode Island
Arizona Iowa  Nevada  South Carolina 
Arkansas Kansas New Hampshire  Tennessee
California Kentucky New Jersey Texas
Colorado Louisiana New Mexico  Utah
Connecticut  Maine  New York Vermont 
Delaware  Maryland North Carolina Virginia
Florida Massachusetts North Dakota  Washington
Georgia Michigan Ohio West Virginia
Hawaii  Minnesota  Oklahoma Wisconsin
Idaho Mississippi Oregon Wyoming 

About the Prominent Presidential Candidates

  1. Who is Hilliary Clinton. 
  2. About Donald Trump. Donald trump News, Videos. 

Other important links: 

United State Presidential Election News
List of PM  List of states and territories of US US Democratic Party Presidential candidate list
List of US Presidents List of US state legislatures US Republican Party Presidential candidate list
List of US Senators US Election Result 2012 US Third Party & Independent Presidential candidate list
List of US political Parties USA Presidential ELections 2016 News How to vote in US election
US Presidential Election 2016 Opinion poll US Presidential Election Schedule How to Register your vote
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