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Important Data Points You Should Not Miss While Analyzing a Political Survey 25 May 2019 258
Political Research Being a New Trend for Political Parties to get adviced on ticket Seekars and Rivals 23 June 2015 1097
Election Managment ,Media Coverage for Election Management and Survey, Our Director Leadtech in the news for Election Managment, Media Coverage About Leadtech,Leadtech Media News, Leadtech News. 28 August 2013 3495
Media Coverage for Election Management and Survey in Jharkhand Assembly Elections 2009, Our Director Mr Vivek Singh Bagri in the news, Media Coverage About Leadtech Director Mr. Vivek Singh Bagri, Leadtech Media News, Leadtech Management Consulting News. 12 April 2013 3626
Political intelligence is gaining currency in lobbies of power, Growing Trend, Money, Online Election Campaign, Leadtech Management Consulting Media Coverage Economic Times, Social Media Management 12 April 2013 18461
Twitter politics: Converting followers into voters, Politics By Social Media, Followers Converted to Voters, Role Of Social media Management for Politicians, Impact of Social Media on elections, Online Election Campaign Management, Vivek Singh Bagri Inter 12 April 2013 3178
Social media platforms,MPs Need To Be On Social Media To Be Politically Correct!:said by Hindustan times 12 February 2013 15956
Online world not peripheral for netas,Increasingly, across parties and from the top ranks, politicians seek expert help to monitor social media and aid them use it. 12 February 2013 16247

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