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MLA Fund Guide Line  








DELHI- 2012


The Government of India had framed "Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme" under which MPs can recommend works to be carried out in their constituencies. Since the MLAs are also frequently approached by their constituents for carrying out small works of capital nature, the Govt. of Delhi has framed a scheme along the pattern of the MPs Local Area Development Scheme. The scheme was started in the year 1994-95 when the fund under the scheme was Rs.1.00 crore per MLA per year. After gaining some experience the Govt. decided to revise the scheme & increase the fund to Rs.1.40 crore per MLA per year w.e.f. 1999-2000. From the financial year 2000-01 the limit of Rs.1.40 crore has been raised to Rs.1.90 crore per MLA. And from 2004-05, the limit has been further increased to Rs.2.00 crore and w.e.f 2011-12 the limit has been further increased to Rs. 4 crore. Under this scheme of "Strengthening and Augmentation of Infrastructure facilities in each Assembly Constituency", commonly known as MLALAD’s each MLA can suggest small works of capital nature to be done in their constituencies upto the tune of Rs.4.00 crores in a year with each individual project not exceeding Rs.2 crore.




The works recommended under this scheme should conform to the general pattern of programmes and projects being implemented by the local bodies/ departments of Govt. of Delhi. These works will be sanctioned and implemented in the same manner, as the other works of these bodies are being sanctioned and implemented.


Wherever required technical and administrative sanction of the works falling within the scope of this scheme and for which the MLAs have exercised their choice will be given after following the normal departmental procedures applicable to the local bodies and other Government Departments and the actual expenditure should in no case exceed the sanction.


The works under this scheme shall primarily be durable asset creation works on Government / Local Bodies land and only such works will be taken up which can be executed / completed within one or two years time schedule. No purchase of inventory equipment etc. or revenue expenditure will be allowed except purchase of computers for schools and provision of ambulances & refuse collectors only for the Government institutions.


This is a project/location specific scheme where the expenditure on each project/location is not going to exceed more than Rs.2.00 Crores under the guidelines issued by the Delhi Govt. from time to time.

3. List of Permissible Works

  1. i.Construction of school buildings.
  2. ii.Construction of community halls/barat ghars/chaupals, other durable assests for public use on public/government land.
  3. iii.Construction of sub-ways wherever found technically feasible.
  4. iv.Hostels specially for working women or girl schools.
  5. v.Public libraries.
  6. vi.Construction of culverts, foot-bridges/bridges.
  7. vii.Public toilets at different locations.
  8. viii.Sports complexes.
  9. ix.Crematoriums or development of burial grounds.
  10. x.Construction of tube-wells and water tanks for providing drinking water to the people in villages, towns or cities, or execution of other works which may help in this respect.
  11. xi.Construction of roads and drains including part roads, approach roads, link roads as per approved lay-outs.
  12. xii.Sanitation
  13. xiii.Development of parks(except earth filling, planting of saplings, apply of compost manure )
  14. xiv.Computers to schools
  15. xv.Street lighting
  16. xvi.Provision of common services/community services including maintenance of group toilets, courtyard, common path and similar other services in privately owned katras subject to the stipulations that no ceiling on individual works or on total quantum of works per MLA will be imposed.
  17. xvii.Bus Stop and Bus ‘Q’ Shelter
  18. xviii.Garbage collection Centre like one’s in NDMC area.
  19. xix.Solar Traffic Lights.
  20. xx.Provision of Ambulances/Refuse Collectors
  21. xxi.Rain Water Harvesting in government and public buildings and places including buildings and places of Local Bodies.
  22. xxii.The funds upto the limit of Rs. 35 lakh per MLA per year shall be released on the request of the concerned MLA for Relief to the victims of Natural Disaster / National Calamity declared by the Govt. and shall be credited into the L.G. / C.M. Relief fund.
  23. xxiii.The development / strengthening of common areas / common facilities / common passages balconies / Courtyards / Common stairs / toilet blocks and various facilities in the slum complexes developed by Slum & JJ Department and other such residential complexes is allowed under the Scheme.
  24. xxiv.Shifting of HT/LT lines (funds would be released as per laid down procedure by Power Department, GNCTD)
  25. xxv.Mobile vans for public library purpose only
  26. xxvi.Benches for public parks.
  27. xxvii.Porta Cabins with over 20 years of durability on Government land after obtaining NOC from the land owning agency.
  28. xxviii.Provision of PVC Overhead Tanks for portable water storage in JJ Clusters and Unauthorized Colonies;
  29. xxix.Provision of Porta Cabins with durability over 20 years in areas other then NDMC and Lutyen’s Zone, on Government land after obtaining NOC from land owing agencies, for use as Temporary Offices for Resident Welfare Associations. The construction of Porta Cabins will also be allowed for setting up of Kendriya Bhandar, Mother Dairy Booth, Amul and Safal Outlets etc

4. List of Non permissible works.

  1. 1.Office buildings, residential buildings and other buildings relating to Central or State Governments, Departments, Agencies and Organizations.
  2. 2.Works pertaining to commercial organizations, trusts, registered societies, private institutions or co-operative institutions.
  3. 3.Grants and loans.
  4. 4.Memorials or memorial buildings.
  5. 5.Purchase of inventory or stock of any type.
  6. 6.Acquisition of land or any compensation for land acquired.
  7. 7.Assets for an individual benefit except those which are part of approved schemes.
  8. 8.Places for religious workship.

5. Procedure for proposal and release of funds:

1. The MLALAD Fund of Rs. 4.00 crores per MLA per year prevalent at present will be divided into two parts, i.e., the Mandatory Fund and the Discretionary Fund of Rs. 1 crore and Rs. 3.00 crore respectively.

2. The GNCTD has decided to release Rs.1.00 Crores earmarked as the mandatory fund out of the total allocation of Rs. 4.00 Crores per annum per Assembly Constituency under MLALAD Scheme to DJB instead of MCD, for water and sanitation works as per the recommendation of the Area MLA except in NDMC and Delhi Cantonment Areas. The Mandatory fund will be directly released to DJB, NDMC and DCB for execution of developmental works as may be proposed by Hon’ble MLA’s of the respective constituencies. Thus Rs. 68.00 Crores will be released to DJB, Rs, 1 crore will be released to NDMC and Rs. 1 Crore will be released to DCB as Mandatory Fund of MLALAD Scheme as per the number of Assembly Constituencies predominantly falling in their respective areas.

3. The mandatory fund of Rs. 1.00 Crores per annum in respect of Assembly Constituencies falling within the jurisdiction of NDMC and Delhi Cantonment Board will be released to the respective Local Authorities viz., NDMC and Delhi Cantonment Board, for taking up works/projects as per the recommendations of the MLA;

4. The balance amount of Rs. 3.00 Crores per annum will be released by Urban Development Department to a designated executing agency for undertaking an approved work/project as per the recommendations of the Area MLA, subject to a maximum allocation of Rs. 2.00 Crores per work/project. The remaining amount of Rs. 210 crores per annum will be sanctioned as the Discretionary Fund through the Urban Development Department, GNCT of Delhi for execution of developmental works by various executing agencies namely three Municipal Corporations ( North, South & East) NDMC, DISCOM, DJB, I&FC, S&JJ and others like Health, DDA, DCB, CPWD, etc. against the recommendations of Hon’ble MLAs concerned after obtaining detailed cost estimates and layout plans from the concerned executing agencies.

The scheme envisages that MLAs would submit written requests directly to Pr. Secretary(UD), urban Development Department, GNCTD for the release of Rs. 3.00 crores subject to the individual scheme limit i.e. Rs. 2 crores per year. The MLAs while submitting their consent letters would also mention the name of the Department/agency from whom they propose to have the work to be executed, details of the work, its locations, detailed cost estimate and layout plan etc. The estimate will be prepared as per the DSR-2012 as adopted by GNCTD vide Pr.Secretary (Finance) Order No. 8/2/2007-A/CD-01295543/2012-13/Exp-4/854-73 dated 12th September,2012 ( Copy as Annexure-A). On the basis of aforesaid information, funds will be released and placed at the disposal of the executing agency. The implementing agencies/departments shall utilize the funds in accordance with CPWD Manual and GFRs. The departments/agencies shall require to open separate bank accounts for each MLA and the utilization certificates is also required to be furnished after the execution of works or by the end of financial year whichever is earlier, to UD department, GNCTD.

5. DJB, NDMC & DCB will issue sanction orders for all developmental works as per the guidelines of MLALAD Scheme regarding the Mandatory Fund and monitor its progress regularly. They will submit the monthly expenditure report and annual utilization certificate to the Urban Development Department, GNCT of Delhi regularly.

6. The implementing agency, once selected, can not be changed under any circumstances. However, the proposed works by the MLA may be changed and substituted only once.

7. In order to comply with the orders of Central Information Commission (CIC), to fulfil the obligations as required under Rule – 4(1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005 and for the sake of transparency, DJB, NDMC, DCB will upload on their websites full details of sanction works, specifications, date of start and completion of the works, name of contractor and total amount of contract relating to MLALAD Funds separately for Mandatory Funds released from time to time.

6. Procedure for Street Lights work

The following procedures approved by the Cabinet of Delhi during 2001 will remain continue as per detailed below :

  1. 1.(a) The work of street light under MLA Fund should be carried out by the MCD, PWD or other road owning agencies and they may get this work executed by the DISCOMS on deposit basis or in any other manner subject to payment of electricity consumption charges.
  2. 2.(b) The work of high mast lights under MLA Fund may be carried out by the MCD, PWD or other road owning agencies subject to guidelines issued by the urban Development Deptt. For erection of high mast lights.
  3. 3.(c) The requisition for undertaking work relating to street lights and high mast lights would be placed before the road owning agency and in case no comments were received within 10 days of the receipt of the requisition, it would be presumed that deemed permission had been accorded by them and the DISCOMS would be asked to get the work initiated. The payment would be made directly to the DISCOMS under intimation to the road owning agency.

7. Sanction of Work

7.1 The implementing agencies/departments will ensure that all preparatory steps are taken as per the established procedure and work order is issued within a period of maximum 60(sixty) days after the funds are released by Urban Development Departments to them.

7.2 It is to be ensured that the works pertain to be concerned MLAs constituency and are to be executed in/on property belonging to the government or local body. The works to be executed should have a public purpose only and not a private purpose.

7.3 “MLALAD Scheme can be converged with the scheme of Central Government, State Government/local Bodies. Wherever such pooling is done, funds from other schemes should be used first and the MLALAD/MPLAD funds should be released later, so that MLALAD/MPLAD funds result in completion of the work. However, in case of such pooling of resources separate record of works in both physical and financial terms, will have to be maintained for the MLALAD Scheme for accounting purposes”.


15% of MLA fund can be utilized for the special repair and maintenance of assets created in the previous years subject to the production of a certificate to this effect and the date of completion of the work by a concerned officer not below the rank of Superintending Engineer of the concerned executing agencies to UD Department after duly recommended by the concerned area MLA.

8.1 If, for any reason the concerned local body/departments/agency is unable to take up any work suggested by the MLA a report in this regard is to be sent to the Pr. Secretary (UD).

8.2 Normal financial and audit procedure will apply to all expenditure incurred under this scheme.

9. Procedure in the event of change of MLA

9.1 When there is a change in the MLA, for whatever reason it may be, the following principles should be followed, as far as possible in execution of works, if the work identified by the predecessor MLA.

(a ) If it is under execution, it should be completed.

(b ) If it is pending sanction due to administrative reasons beyond a period of 45 days from the date on which advice was received for taking up the work, it should also be executed, provided the work is otherwise as per norms.

(c ) If it was not taken up for execution because of reasons other than those mentioned in the preceding sub-para, it can be executed subject to the confirmation by the successor MLA.

(d) If the predecessor MLA has not identified any works at all, allocation or releases of funds to such predecessor MLA will not be additionally given to the successor/MLA over and above Rupees two crore being the entitlement of the latter MLA for the year concerned.

10. Un-lapsable Fund

The funds under the scheme shall be considered and treated as un-lapsable; therefore, the release of funds under the scheme, if not fully utilized due to unavoidable circumstances and unreleased fund left with the government in a particular year, is allowed to be carried forward/released for subsequent three years and four years respectively to the implementing departments/agencies etc. on the recommendation of concerned MLA and after obtaining the approval, as per procedure laid down by the urban Development Department, GNCTD and finance Department, GNCTD respectively.

11. Substitution of work

The change (s) of work may be allowed only once provided there are serious problems in the implementation. However, the implementing agency cannot be changed under any circumstances.

12. Monitoring Arrangements

The implementation will be regularly monitored by the Government. The senior officers of the implementing departments/agencies shall regularly inspect the works being undertaken and submit quarterly reports to urban Development Department for effective monitoring.

  1. 1.a) A report on the physical and financial progress made in respect of each work is to be submitted to the UD Department at the time of request for release of funds.
  2. 2.b) In execution of works, MLAs may face special problems/situations not envisaged to be covered under these guidelines. Such cases may be taken up with the pr. Secretary, urban Development Department for suitable clarification.





Dated : September 12,2012


Sub : Adoption of DSR-2012 in place of DSR-2007 for capital works in National

Capital Territory of Delhi

In partial modification of Government Order of even No. PA/DSF/Misc./2012-13/Exp-4/538-45, dated May 17,2012 and subsequent corrigendum dated May 23,2012 regarding revision of delegation of powers for sanction of capital works/projects, observance of standard norms/parameters and guidelines for approval/sanction of capital works, Lieutenant Governor, Delhi is pleased to approve the adoption of Delhi Schedule Rates-2012(DSR-2012) IN PLACE OF Delhi Schedule Rates-2007(DSR-2007) for capital works/projects of Government of NCT of Delhi to be executed by the work executing agencies including PWD, I&FCD, DSIIDC, DTTDC, DUSIB, DTIDC and local bodies as per following rates/stipulation :


Nature of Works



Bridge Works

DSR 2012 Minus 5%


Building Works

DSR 2012 Minus 12%


Development Works

( Roads and ide drains )

DSR 2012 Minus 12%

The adoption of DSR-2012 is further subject to the followings :

( i) Contingency, third party quality control, labour cess and art work ( wherever necessary) shall continue to be charged @ 1% each.

(ii) Consultancy charges ( wherever necessary) shall be fixed lump sum subject to a maximum of 3% of original project cost, and

(iii) Project Management charges/Department charges to agencies other then PWD and I& FCD shall be restricted upto a maximum of 5% of the original project cost.


Pr. Secretary (Finance)

1.All Administrative Secretaries, GNCT of Delhi

2. All Head of the departments, GNCT of Delhi

3. Chairperson, New Delhi Municipal Committee

4. Commissioner, EDMC/NDMC/SDMC



No.8/2/2007-A/CD-01295543/2012-13/Exp-4/854-73 Dated: September 12, 2012

7. Pr. Secretary to the H.E. Lt. Governor, Delhi.

8. Pr. Secretary to the Hon. Chief Minister, GNCT of Delhi

9. Commissioner, Delhi Police

10. Secretaries to Hon. Ministers, GNCT of Delhi

11. Staff officer to Chief Secretary, GNCT of Delhi.

12. Special Secretary, Finance Department, GNCT of Delhi

13. Accountant General (Audit), Delhi

14. Engineer-in-Chief, Public Works Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi

15. Controller of Account, Principal Account Office, GNCT of Delhi

16. Controller of Audit, Directorate of Audit, GNCT of Delhi

17. All Dy. Secretaries in the Finance Department, GNCT of Delhi

18. All Pay and Account officers, GNCT of Delhi

19. All Desk Officers in Finance Department, GNCT of Delhi

20. Guard file


Under Secretary (Finance)




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