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Vijay Goel challenges Sheila Dikshit to governance debate, Vijay Goel, Sheila Dikshit, Delhi Govt, Delhi assembly election 2013, Delhi news, Congress, BJP.

Vijay Goel challenges Sheila Dikshit to governance debate.


NEW DELHI: Delhi BJP president Vijay Goel on Sunday challenged chief minister Sheila Dikshit to a public debate on the issue of absolute collapse of governance in the capital. Goel said that he had shortlisted 15 points to attack Dikshit's 15-year regime.

"The chief minister doesn't have any explanation for the failures of her government. That is why she is not coming forward and responding to my charges. She should stop playing hide-and-seek and come out in the open to explain her position on the 15 questions raised by us," said Goel.

"She owes this to people of Delhi. She should stop fielding her sidekicks. Her ministers who are trying to defend her have no moral right to even talk about corruption," he added.

The BJP has decided to corner the government on issues such as economic development, per capita income, power, health sector, transport, water supply, education etc.

Goel also attacked Dikshit on the various schemes by the government including food security and Ladli scheme. "The Delhi government claims of highest per capita income in the capital, if that is the case, then after 15 years of Congress rule, why do you still need to give food security to 72% of the city's population?," he said.

Cornering the government on Ladli Scheme, Goel said the government's claim of 5 lakh beneficiaries being covered under it does not match with the CAG report that found the scheme's implementation rate to be 42%.

The BJP leader also said that the Congress government has completely failed to provide social security to women and the elderly. "The old and women feel extremely vulnerable in this city with skyrocketing crime graph and absence of any social security net for them. Why has Delhi become the "crime capital" and why a number of ghettos have emerged in the city where there has been no development during last 15 years?" Goel added.


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