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World Politics

Canada election: Liberals sweep to power, Liberal Party, Conservative Party of Canada, New Democratic Party of Canada, Green Party of Canada, Canada 2015 federal election result, Canadian Election Results, Justin Trudeau,Canada Prime ministerial electi

Canada election: Liberals sweep to power, Liberal Party, Conservative Party of Canada, New Democratic Party of Canada, Green Party of Canada, Canada 2015 federal election result, Canadian Election Results, Justin Trudeau,Canada Prime ministerial election result,canada polls result,Federal election results

Canada's Liberal Party has decisively won a general election, ending nearly a decade of Conservative rule.

The centrist Liberals, led by Justin Trudeau, started the campaign in third place but in a stunning turnaround now command a majority.


Party & leaderSeats
Liberal Party of Canada 184
Justin Trudeau (PM) 54%
Conservative Party of Canada 99
Stephen Harper 29%
New Democratic Party of Canada 44
Thomas Mulcair 13%
Bloc Québécois 10
Gilles Duceppe 3%
Green Party of Canada 1
Elizabeth May 0%

Mr Trudeau, the 43-year-old son of late Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, said Canadians had voted for real change.

Incumbent Conservative PM Stephen Harper - in power since 2006 - has congratulated his rival.

Justin Trudeau is son of late Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, considered the father of modern Canada.

Trudeau's to-do list

Addressing jubilant supporters, Mr Trudeau said Canadians had "sent a clear message tonight: It's time for a change".

"We beat fear with hope, we beat cynicism with hard work. Most of all we defeated the idea that Canadians should be satisfied with less.

"This is what positive politics can do," he said, also praising Mr Harper for his service to the country.

During the 11-week election campaign, the Liberal Party said it would:

  1. Cut income taxes for middle-class Canadians while increasing them for the wealthy
  2. Run deficits for three years to pay for infrastructure spending
  3. Do more to address environmental concerns over the controversial Keystone oil pipeline
  4. Take in more Syrian refugees, and pull out of bombing raids against Islamic State while bolstering training for Iraqi forces
  5. Legalise marijuana

src: bbc

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