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Exit Poll Gujarat 2012, Who will win Gujarat Election 2012, Exit Poll After Second Phase Voting Gujarat Assembly election 2012, Exit Poll Results 2012

Exit Poll Gujarat 2012, Who will win Gujarat Election 2012, Exit Poll After Second Phase Voting Gujarat Assembly election 2012, Exit Poll Results 2012






Ahmedabad, 17 December 2012:


News24 exit poll gives 129-151 seats for BJP.


C-Voter exit poll gives 119-128 seats for BJP.


ABP- Nielsen poll – 27 seats for BJP in South Gujarat, 6 seats for Congress and 1 seat for GPP.


Aaj Tak ORG exit poll suggests 36-38 seats for BJP out of total 48 seats in Saurashtra, 8-9 seats for Congress and 1-2 seats for GPP.


source: deshgujarat.com


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