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"Ghar Nu Ghar" sample in Ahemdabad Visited By Sonia Gandhi In Gujarat Election Poll,Some Picture In "Ghar Nu Ghar" Sample, "Ghar Nu Ghar" sample Proposed By Congress.

 "Ghar Nu Ghar" sample in Ahemdabad Visited By Sonia Gandhi In Gujarat Election Poll,Some Picture In "Ghar Nu Ghar" Sample, "Ghar Nu Ghar" sample Proposed By Congress.


Congress President Sonia Gandhi will visit Gujarat Congress headquarter in Ahemdabad to see Gujarat Congress’s proposed ‘Ghar nu ghar’ scheme’s sample house. She will be visiting the Congress headquarter around noon as per the schedule declared by Congress party. Before this Sonia will visit Kalol in Gandhinagar district to address a public meeting there.






Source : Deshgujarat.com

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