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India Stands By 2014 Poll Observer Report

India Stands By 2014 Poll Observer Report

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The world’s biggest democracy, India, is standing by the Mul­tinational Observer Group (MOG) report on the 2014 General Election which found that it was conducted in a proper and trans­parent manner.

The comment was made in Suva yesterday by the Indian High Com­missioner Vishvas Sapkal and fol­lows comments by some local oppo­sition politicians.

Mr Sapkal was at the signing of the MOG Terms of Reference (TOR) yes­terday finalising the agreement for India to participate as a co-leader in this year’s general election along­side Indonesia and Australia.

“India being the largest practising democracy always try to assist countries who are in the process of strengthening democratic rules,” Mr Sapkal said.

He said India was happy to contin­ue as co-leader of the MOG adding that the TOR was discussed by all parties and mutually agreed to. He said India would always stand ready to support the FEO (Fijian Elections Office).

“India, of course, is the largest de­mocracy in the world.

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