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Madhya Pradesh (MP) assembly election 2013 survey Result,Madhya Pradesh state election result 2008 party wise, BJP led by Shivraj Singh Chauhan again,Assembly election 2013 survey Result.

Madhya Pradesh (MP) assembly election 2013 survey Result, Madhya Pradesh state election result 2008 party wise.


Also Read ...Madhya Pradesh assembly election opinion poll 2013


According to the seekersfind.in survey result of MP assembly election are...



Madhya Pradesh (MP) state assembly election are expected to be held in end of 2013 and survey and predictions judgement has already been started. Shivraj Singh Chauhan current CM of MP and also the most popular Chief Minister Madhya Pradesh ever produced.


Madhya Pradesh assembly election 2013 prediction survey showing victory again for most loved CM S.S Chauhan. A government in any state is changed only when a CM is not able to meet deadline and promises he made in election , only if CM is not able to give secure feeling to people of their state. Current BJP government has fulfilled and given a well organized and manged government. Law and order has been maintained and applied much better then ever before.


BJP led by Shivraj Singh Chauhan will gain grab the MP state with more seats won by them in 2008. Shivraj Singh Chauhan clean and effective governance for all sectors of state has made him unmatched with his competitors party Congress.


Madhya Pradesh state election result 2008 :-


230 71 143 16




















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