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UK election 2015: YouGov /Sunday Times - Con 35, Lab 33, LD 8, UKIP 13, GRN 6, UK Opinion poll, Uk Election 2015 UK Opinion poll 2015

UK election 2015: YouGov /Sunday Times - Con 35, Lab 33, LD 8, UKIP 13, GRN 6

uk election 2015 opinion poll

Tonight’s YouGov poll for the Sun has topline figures of CON 35%, LAB 33%, LDEM 8%, UKIP 13%, GRN 6%.

YouGov’s fieldwork normally runs from around 5pm or so until around 3pm the next day, so all of this poll was conducted after the budget. The Conservatives are back in the lead again, but that isn’t necessarily an impact from the budget – remember YouGov produced several polls last week that had Tory leads too, so what we could just be seeing random variation.

  1. Also Read: UK Election Opinion Poll, UK Opinion poll 2015, UK Opinion poll 2015

  2. Also Read: UK Election Election Schedule 2015
  3. Also Read: UK Election Candidate List 2015

We need to wait a bit longer before we can be confident, what we should be looking for is whether or not the broader average in the polls moves away from neck-and-neck, and for that we’ll need some more polling.

Also bear in mind that while all this poll was conducted after the budget was given, it hadn’t necessarily reached respondents yet – many respondents would, for example, have replied before reading this morning’s newspapers, or before watching yesterday’s 10 o’clock news – the impact of political events does not happen instantaneously.

There will be more from this poll in tomorrow’s Sun and on the YouGov website tomorrow, and no doubt more polling on the budget in the weekend polls.

Also out tonight is a new Survation Scotland poll for the Daily Record – that shows the big SNP lead holding strong, with Westminster voting intentions of CON 16%, LAB 26%, LDEM 4%, SNP 47%.


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