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NDTV live Assam Exit Poll 2016, Assam Latest Exit Poll, Exit poll Assam assembly elections, Who will win Assam elections 2016, Post Alliance Exit Poll Assam Vidhan Sabha, Who is the best CM candidate Assam, Assam Exit Poll INC BJP AIUDF BPF, NDTV pre-poll

NDTV live Assam Exit Poll 2016, Assam Latest Exit Poll, Exit poll Assam assembly elections, Who will win Assam elections 2016, Post Alliance Exit Poll Assam Vidhan Sabha, Who is the best CM candidate Assam, Assam Exit Poll INC BJP AIUDF BPF, NDTV pre-poll survey, Assam assembly elections 2016, NDTV, NDTV Exit Poll

Assam Assembly Election Exit polls you can see LIVE here in the evening after polling of all 5 states ends on 16th May 2016.

Assam Opinion Exit Poll

Following are the NDTV Exit Poll for Assam Assembly Elections 2016



Assam Assembly Election Exit Poll 2016
BJP+ 73
INC 37

Summary of all Exit Polls Assam elections 2016

Assam Assembly Election Exit Poll 2016
Party Cvoter India Today- Axis My India ABP News Nation Chanakya NDTV
BJP+ 57 86 81 65 90 73
INC 41 28 33 49 27 37
AIUDF+ 18 7 10 9 9 12
OTHERS 10 0 0 3 0 4

Summary of all Opinion Polls for Assam Assembly Elections 2016...FULL DETAILS HERE

Assam Assembly Election Opinion Poll 2016
Party Alliance Times Now- C Voter(Mar)

ABP- Neil

son (Mar)

Leadtech- infoelections


News Nation (Mar) AVC Media  (Mar) India TV-C Voter (Feb)
INC 53 36
54 40 44
BJP+AGP+BPF 55 78 75 50 48 57
AIUDF 12 25 11 13 25 19
Others 2  2  2  2 13   6  

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