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Lal Krishna Advani Biography Family Address Contact Professional Career, Lal Krishna Advani Lok Sabha Member from GANDHINAGAR, Lal Krishna Advani , Lal Krishna Advani Lok Sabha, Who is Lal Krishna Advani , About Lal Krishna Advani Lok Sabha Member,Address

Brief About Lal Krishna Advani Biography Family Address Contact Professional Career, Lal Krishna Advani Lok Sabha Member from GANDHINAGAR, Lal Krishna Advani , Lal Krishna Advani Lok Sabha, Who is Lal Krishna Advani , About Lal Krishna Advani Lok Sabha Member,Address Mobile Contact Details Lal Krishna Advani , Assets Education Criminal Cases Lal Krishna Advani , Profession Liabilities Lal Krishna AdvaniImage result for lk advani png

Constituency Gandhinagar (Gujarat)
Name Lal Krishna Advani (Winner)
Party BJP
S/O,D/O,W/O Late Kishinchand D Advani
Birth Place: Karachi (now in Pakistan)
Date of Birth: Date of Birth: Monday, November 7, 1927
Address 1835/16,Kasturi Block,Deendayal Bhavan,J P Chowk,Khanpur,Ahmedabad -1
Self Profession Social & Public Work
Spouse Profession House Wife
Criminal Cases 1
Education Graduate Professional
Total Asset Rs:7,59,15,276
Liablities Rs:0
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact 079-25504525
Spouse Name: Smt. Kamla Advani
Mother's Name: Smt. Gyani Devi

Early Life :

Family History

Born in Karachi on November 8th, 1927, to parents Kishinchand Advani and Gyanidevi, Advaniji hails from a highly respected traditional family. They belonged to the Amil branch of Sindhi Hindus, a dominant community in the region during those times. His father and all four of his paternal uncles were all well settled. Advaniji’s sister Sheela is six years younger to him, and lives in Mumbai.

His paternal grandfather Dharamdas Khubchand Advani was a Sanskrit scholar and principal of a government high school. His father’s three elder brothers —Gobindram, Parasram and Ramchand—were based in Hyderabad (Pakistan). Gobindram, was a civil servant, who retired as Deputy Collector of Hyderabad and Parasram was a lawyer, while Ramchand like Advaniji’s father was a businessmen. Gopaldas, the youngest of the brothers, was a professor of chemistry in D.J. Sindh College, Karachi.

During those days large, extended families were the norm and nuclear families were unheard of. Advaniji recollects that he had as many as thirty-four first cousins whom he grew up with!

Childhood Days

Advaniji, remembers very fond memories of his childhood. He believes, even the trauma of Partition, which forced their family to migrate to undivided India, couldn’t erase those memories. On the contrary, he thinks those memories have become all the more precious because of his family’s forced separation from his homeland, where he spent twenty joyful years his life.

Advaniji’s residence - ‘Lal Cottage’, a single-storied bungalow, was built soon after his birth and was named after him. Located in a ‘Parsi’ neighborhood called Jamshed Quarters, it was a fairly spacious, beautifully designed house. The family owned a horse-driven Victoria – considered a status symbol in those days.

The most vivid memory of his early childhood is the affection he got from everyone in the family, including his grandparents and his three mausis (mother’s sisters). Both he and his sister received vivid love and care as their mother passed away when was just thirteen. He says his sister was brought up almost entirely by their Jamni Mausi and Mausa Chandiram Wadhwani.

It’s Advaniji’s strong perception that his father was the biggest influence on his personality in his childhood years. A gentle human being who embodied simplicity, he had quietly shaped his mind with his impeccable conduct. He was also extremely attached to his mother, but after she passed away it was from his father that he received both requisite love and guidance.

Beginning of Political Career

The aftermath of the independence and partition of India was an immense political upheaval in Sindh. Like millions others, Advaniji left for Delhi on 12th September, 1947 with fellow RSS swayamsevaks, to seek shelter and a new beginning in truncated India. His journey from Karachi to Delhi brought a formative phase of his life in Sindh to an abrupt end, and thus began the next phase of his life—as a RSS pracharak in Rajasthan.

All pracharaks and senior leaders of the RSS from Sindh had been asked to assemble in Jodhpur where, in due course, they would receive instructions regarding the tasks to be carried out in the coming days. The RSS leaders instructed the swayamsewaks who had come from Pakistan that their main task was to help channelise the migration of refugees in a smooth and systematic manner. Advaniji and others were also required to assist in the relief and rehabilitation of the immigrants. The latter half of 1947 saw him plunging himself in this work wholeheartedly.

After the Jodhpur camp was over, he along with others was sent to different parts of Rajasthan to continue the activities of the RSS. For the next decade, Rajasthan, was to be his karmabhoomi (place of work), first only as a pracharak of the RSS and later-on as a whole-time party activist of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh.

It was in early 1957 when Advaniji was asked shift base from Rajasthan to Delhi to assist Atalji and the other newly elected Jana Sangh MPs in their parliamentary work. Thereafter, Delhi became the centre of his political activity. His new responsibility gave him an opportunity to learn about the functioning of Parliament and the government, besides enabling him to develop his skills in drafting statements, formulating questions, and preparing points for the party’s political propaganda.

Countries Visited:

Widely travelled; Member Indian Parliamentary Delegation to, (i) Czechoslovakia, 1972; (ii) Australia, 1974; (iii) I.P.U. Conference at Ottawa, 1985; Leader, (i) Indian Delegation to Inter-Governmental Conference on Communication Policies in Asia and Oceania (ASIOCOM), Kuala Lumpur, 1977; (ii) UNESCO General Conference, 1978; and (iii) Indian Parliamentary Delegation to Strasbourg Conference on Parliamentary Democracy, September 1991; visited Germany, Turkey, UAE (2001); USA (2002 & 2003); Spain (2002); U.K. (2002 & 2003); Qatar & France (2003);Thailand & Singapore (2003) as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Home Affairs; visited Pakistan (2005) in the capacity of Leader of Opposition (LS)

PM Candidacy

In the run-up to the 2009 elections, Advaniji being the Leader of the Opposition in a parliamentary democracy was assumingly considered the BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate for the general elections, ending on 16 May 2009. A major factor in favour of Advaniji was that he had always been the most powerful leader in the BJP, only with the exception of Atalji, who himself endorsed Advaniji's candidacy. On 10 December 2007, the Parliamentary Board of BJP formally announced that L. K. Advani would be its prime ministerial candidate for the general elections due in 2009. But when Congress and its allies won the 2009 general elections, allowing incumbent Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to continue in office, Advaniji paved the way for Sushma Swaraj to become the Leader of Opposition in the 15th Lok Sabha.


•             1967–70: Chairman, Metropolitan Council, Delhi

•             1970–72: President, Bharatiya Jana Sangh, Delhi

•             1970–89: Member, Rajya Sabha (four terms)

•             1973–77: President, Jana Sangh

•             1977: General-Secretary, Janata Party

•             1977–79: Union Cabinet Minister, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting

•             1977–79: Leader of the House, Rajya Sabha

•             1980–86: General Secretary, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

•             1980-86: Leader, BJP, Rajya Sabha

•             1986–91: President, BJP

•             1989: Elected to 9th Lok Sabha(1st term) New Delhi

•             1989–91: Leader of Opposition, Lok Sabha

•             1991–93: Leader of Opposition, Lok Sabha

•             1991: Elected to 10th Lok Sabha (2nd term)

•             1993–98: President, Bharatiya Janata Party

•             1998: Elected to 12th Lok Sabha (3rd term)

•             1998–99: Union Cabinet Minister, Home Affairs

•             1999: Elected to 13th Lok Sabha (4th term)

•             1999–2004: Union Cabinet Minister, Home Affairs

•             2002–2004: Deputy Prime Minister of India

•             2002: Union Cabinet Minister, Coal and Mines

•             2004: Elected to 14th Lok Sabha (5th term)

•             2009: Elected to 15th Lok Sabha (6th term)

•             2014: Elected to 16th Lok Sabha (7th term)


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