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Odisha Election Result

Digapahandi assembly election result 2019 live, Digapahandi vidhan sabha Election date 2019, Digapahandi opinion/exit poll 2019, Digapahandi election contesting candidate list 2019, Digapahandi BJP INC BJD NCP CPI candidate list, Digapahandi Voter lis

Digapahandi assembly election result 2019

Digapahandi assembly election result 2019 live, Digapahandi vidhan sabha Election date 2019, Digapahandi opinion/exit poll 2019, Digapahandi election contesting candidate list 2019, Digapahandi BJP INC BJD NCP CPI candidate list, Digapahandi Voter list 2019, booth wise Digapahandi polling Station, Digapahandi Past Election Result Analysis, Digapahandi Election Result with Voting percentage, Digapahandi matdata Suchi in excel format, Digapahandi Election Result, Odisha Assembly Election 2019,Odisha,Digapahandi Odisha Assembly Election 2019

Digapahandi Odisha assembly election result 2019 live, Election Schedule/date, opinion/exit poll 2019, contesting candidate list 2019 of BJP INC CPI NCP BSP CPI (M) can be found here. Also Digapahandi Voter list 2019, booth wise Digapahandi polling Station, Digapahandi Past Election Result Analysis, Digapahandi Election Result with Voting percentage and voter list in excel format can be found here for Odisha Assembly Election 2019.

Paliamentary Election Result 2014134Digapahandi61.3225.196.546.9536.13
Assembly Election result 2014134Digapahandi61.4625.736.056.7735.73
Paliamentary Election Result 2009134Digapahandi60.9531.172.85.0829.78
Assembly Election result 2009134Digapahandi61.7530.733.93.6331.02
Paliamentary Election Result 2004134Digapahandi00000

Parliamentary Election 2014

YearPc_NoPc_NameAC_NOAC_NAMECandidate NamePartyVote
201520 Berhampur134 Digapahandi SIDHANT MOHAPATRABJD78687
201520 Berhampur134 Digapahandi CHANDRA SEKHARSAHUINC32322
201520 Berhampur134 Digapahandi RAMA CHANDRA PANDABJP8393
201520 Berhampur134 Digapahandi ALI KISHOR PATNAIKCPM2485
201520 Berhampur134 DigapahandiNOTA Votes PolledNOTA Votes1917

Assembly Election Result 2014

YearPc_NoPc_NameAC_NOAC_NAMECandidate NamePartyVote
201420 Berhampur134DigapahandiSURJYA NARAYAN PATROBJD78949
201420 Berhampur134DigapahandiSAKA SUJIT KUMARINC33052
201420 Berhampur134DigapahandiBIJAYA KUMAR SWAINBJP7771
201420 Berhampur134DigapahandiBIDYADHAR JENACPM2399
201420 Berhampur134DigapahandiNone of the AboveNOTA2397

Parliamentary Election 2009

YearPc_NoPc_NameAC_NOAC_NAMECandidate NamePartyVote
201020 Berhampur134 Digapahandi CHANDRA SEKHAR SAHUINC32938
201020 Berhampur134 Digapahandi PABITRA GAMANGOBSP849
201020 Berhampur134 Digapahandi BHARAT PAIKBJP2956
201020 Berhampur134 Digapahandi SIDHANT MOHAPATRABJD64394
201020 Berhampur134 Digapahandi NIRAKAR BEHERAKS1034

Assembly Election Result 2009

YearPc_NoPc_NameAC_NOAC_NAMECandidate NamePartyVote
200920 Berhampur134DigapahandiSURYA NARAYANA PATROBJD65219
200920 Berhampur134DigapahandiV.RABI NARAYAN RAJUINC32456
200920 Berhampur134DigapahandiSHREEDHAR DEVBJP4119
200920 Berhampur134DigapahandiSAKA BALAJIIND2288
200920 Berhampur134DigapahandiPROMOD SABATSAMO1542

Parliamentary Election 2004

YearPc_NoPc_NameAC_NOAC_NAMECandidate NamePartyVote
200520 Berhampur134Deogarh DHARMENDRA PRABJP64899
200520 Berhampur134Deogarh Sriballav PanigrahiINC48087
200520 Berhampur134Deogarh Rohit Ganga DebSP2962
200520 Berhampur134Deogarh Sudarsan BeheraBSP2656
200520 Berhampur134Deogarh Bunde DhuruaIND2398

Assembly Election Result 2004

YearPc_NoPc_NameAC_NOAC_NAMECandidate NamePartyVote
200420 Berhampur134 DEOGARH NITESH GANGA DEBINC62487
200420 Berhampur134 DEOGARH SARAN TIRKEYBSP4616
200420 Berhampur134 DEOGARH GIRIDHARI SAMALIND2257

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